Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have been looking back at the past year and think wow it has gone by way to fast. It seems like it was feb. not to long ago, but then again it also seems like it was forever ago.
I look back and there was so good and bads about this last year, I would say probably more good then bad. I just hope to have another year like this one but maybe it could go by slower and definitely not having another kid three is plenty. Well speeking of time I got to go get ready for work.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Work well that has been all I do is work. It seems as if there is nothing else that matters I am always at work. I do like my job it has been great but at the same time I have not even had time to get ready for the winter. My AC is not covered there are toys in the yard, the hose are still out in the yard, my garage is not built for my motorcycle and I have had no time to get Holiday stuff out. Lots to do and not enough time to do it in GRRRRRRRR!

I have been enjoying my new camera it has been great. I have so many pictures of my little girl it is great. My cousin even wants me to take family pictures for them. That makes me so happy that someone would want me to take there pictures. We will have to see if there really think I am good or not.

I am still trying to sell my Mustang if anyone knows anyone that would like to buy it.

MMmmm Thanksgiving. A time to just make yourself even fatter then you are right!? Well I know that is how it is for me. I am going to try not to eat to much this holiday season but just look at me I am not sure that is possible to do.